
7 Manfaat yang didapatkan dari berlatih di kolam

Penelitian baru- baru ini, terbukti dengan melakukan latihan di kolam 2 atau 3 kali seminggu dapat meningkatkan kekuatan, fleksibilitas, dan jantung yang sehat secara signifikan.  Hal ini juga dapat menurunkan risiko kecacatan, meningkatkan keseimbangan dan meningkatkan kemampuan Anda untuk melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari dengan mudah


I reached out to my clients at Tidewater Preserve to help explain the benefits of water exercise through their personal experience.  These are only a few of many!




  1. Less joint impact:  The buoyancy of the water reduces joint loading, which is particularly beneficial after joint replacement as well as to help manage chronic pain.  “Less joint stress” was reported by all of my clients as a key benefit.  Here is what Janice had to say:  “Water exercise was recommended by my doctor.  After three knee surgeries, it is the only low-impact exercise I can do.”
  1. Total body training:  Water provides multi-directional resistance, making it easier to enjoy a more balanced workout. For example, on land arm curls targets the biceps both on the way up to lift the weight against gravity and on the way down to control against gravity.  In the pool, it’s different.  Resistance is everywhere.  Try this same move. On the way up, biceps work against water’s resistance, but the triceps must engage to resist against water on the way down. “Water exercise gives me a full body workout. I have gained strength and stamina!” – Lori H.
  1. Reduce joint and muscle pain:  Gentle exercises help to improve circulation and hydrate the muscles. Multi-directional moves help to pump nutrients to the joints helping to reduce joint and muscle pain. Anita (my client) experiences constant arthritic knee pain (from all those airplane jumps she took while serving our country – Anita thank you for your service!).  She says:  “Water exercise is the only exercise that makes my knees feel better.”
  1. Gain more mobility:  We can move more freely in water. Regular participation will reduce stiffness and make movement on land more comfortable.  “Water exercise helps keep my back limber.” – Carlene G. 
  1. Improve heart health:  Water exercise is a great low-impact aerobic activity.  Depending on your fitness level, options from walking to high intensity intervals – each have a positive impact on cardiovascular health. Even my very fit, 20 year-old client says: “I get a great cardio workout in the pool … just the same as on land!” – Annika V.
  1. Build better balance:  Water supports weak muscles and helps minimize the fear of falling.  It provides confidence as the body is constantly challenged to stabilize against the continuously moving water.  Try rhythmical moves to improve balance.  For example, trying jogging;  Right Foot, Left Foot, Right Foot – HOLD (on right). Then, Left Foot, Right Foot, Left Foot – HOLD (on left). Repeat several times.
  1. Stay cool: What better way to burn hundreds of calories than staying cool while you work! Since water is cooler than your body temp, the heat flows away from your body and results in feeling as if you are never “breaking a sweat.”  Marlis, a regarlar participant says:  “Water is so refreshing!  I love being able to exercise outside.”

Do you have a story to tell about how water exercise has improved your quality of life?  I would love to hear it!


Whether you’re looking to get fit, lose some weight, reduce joint pain or arthritis, water exercise is proven and effective.

WECOACH will help you learn tricks to help you move better and most importantly, feel better.  You’ll become stronger, more flexible, and will reach your goals easily.

Take a look at our introduction video below:

If you are interested in my program and want to learn more, visit my site here!

And if you are ready to start feeling better NOW, let me motivate you through one of our NEW 30 minute audio workouts!  Click below:

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